vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015

Ne place sa calatorim…

Timpul ne arata calea si inima curajul de a ajunge la destinatie

A venit timpul sa intelegeti mai usor care sunt posibilitatile turistice romanesti. De ce spunem acest lucru? In primul rand ar trebui sa stiti ca sunt „n” locuri in tara pe care le puteti vizita fara retineri. Stim ca sunt atat de multe posibilitati turistice... Cu suficienta atentie acordata drumurilor pe care le puteti face prin tara. Am observat ca sunt multe locuri pe care le puteti observa cu inima si sufletul. Vrem sa stiti ca sunt mii si mii de turisti care intreprind in Romania numeroase activitati. In fiecare zi puteti sa va lasati purtat de valul explorarii. Exista un spirit special care pune stapanire pe tine atunci cand te uiti la posibilitatile turistice ale tarii.

Timpul este de partea noastra, a celor care calatoresc des prin tara. Inima este cea care ne duce acolo unde vrem sa ajungem. Conteaza foarte mult sa stiti cum sa gestionati mai usor calatoria. Noi am ales mereu cararile care ne duc la destinatie cu zambetul pe buze. De fiecare data cand am pornit la drum prin tara ne-am gandit ca este important sa stim pe unde sa o luam si ce sa vedem prima oara. Ultima oara cand am pornit la drum cu prietenii nostrii dragi, am reusit sa vedem Moldova cu alti ochi. Ne-am inchiriat o masina si am pornit din Iasi spre zona Bucovinei. De foarte mult timp am zis ca pornim intr-o drumetie prin aceasta frumoasa parte a tarii. Vroiam sa intelegem de ce atat de multi turisti vin in Bucovina. Spre rusinea noastra nu facusem acest lucru pana atunci...

Saptamana trecuta ne-am decis sa schimbam „macazul”. Ne-am strans curaj si am inchiriat o masina de la AutoBoca in Iasi. Dupa ce am gasit masina potrivita de drum – Dacia New Logan – am pornit spre Campulung Moldovenesc si Suceava. Ne-am gandit sa vizitam manastirile pictate din Bucovina – Voronet, Sucevita si Moldovita. Aceste manastiri sunt cu adevarat speciale si cu siguranta o sa va incante. Vrem sa va uitati peste cele mai interesante locuri de vazut in Bucovina si evident sa va alegeti una sau doua. Noi am reusit sa facem un itinerariu turistic interesant. Acesta a atins toate punctele interesante ale pasiunii noastre exploratoare. Asa cum poate ati observat, este foarte greu sa satisfaci dorintelor tuturor celor din grup. In acest sens este nevoie sa va loviti de un taram comun si „fertil”.

Noi cu putin noroc am reusit sa facem acest lucru. Dupa 10 ani de calatorii impreuna am reusit sa gasim un echilibru in exprimari si actiuni. Si voi puteti atinge aceasta stabilitate.

miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2015

Love the way Bukovina feels

In a timely manner please visit Romania

I love to travel and whenever I have the time to do so. It is without a doubt an exciting feeling to go from one new place to another. Fortunately my work involves travelling and as such I am one of the happiest men in the world. I get to do what I love without restrictions. It is a real gift but also a high responsibility. I need to offer other people detailed presentations on the places I’ve seen. Such information can determine a tourist to see or not to see a specific location. The last trip in Romania brought me in the superb region of Bukovina, a place of wonder and culinary delight. I was stunned by the wonderful landscapes and charming people. There are many things that recommend this place as your next travel destination.
I will try to emphasize on some of the main reasons why anyone should visit Bukovina. I found a beautiful place with clean roads and welcoming people. These were my first impressions of the region. Since my departure was Iasi and its many “rotten” streets, I was quite pleased to see a place in Romania with good streets (no holes or fissures). The first thing that you need to do is this: find a good car and use it to its full extent. This is the right way to enjoy a good experience. What will you find in Bukovina? There are many places to see and people to meet here.

In Bukovina there is a spiritual side that can astonish you. This is where you will find a lot of monasteries and churches with fascinating stories, worth discovering. More than that, this is where you will see amazing natural landscapes. My recommendation is this: keep your digital camera close because you will use it. So, are you ready to embark on amazing touristic adventure? The answer is yes. Take a chance and discover a superb place…  

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2015

I love the wonderful city of Bucharest…

I mean…who doesn’t love a piece of Bucharest?

There are many towns in Eastern Europe that a tourist should not miss, especially if she or he loves beauty. We were thinking in terms of art, culture, history and legacy… One of the most exciting places to see in Eastern Europe is Bucharest, Romania’s capital city. This beautiful town will offer you the possibility of discovering new and exciting stories. Why shouldn’t you visit a wonderful town with deep roots into history and art? There are many places which you can see in Bucharest, especially if you look with attention at all possible destinations. Are you ready to discover a couple of things about an amazing town? If your answer is yes then this particular article will prove to be quite instructive. So are you ready to discover interesting details about a thrilling city. Let’s start things off…

Bucharest is a city that can offer people the chance to speak to higher cultural and historical traits. Tourists that love to see new things can take in this stunning city without restrictions. It is a charming city with hidden treasures that you need to look for, with attention. After a short or long stay in Bucharest you will see why so many people are coming here during their free time. They know that they can see remnants of a failed government system: national communism. Nicolae Ceausescu is one of the most recognizable historical figures out there. His tight grip over Romania’s society in the communism era left deep scars. These scars can be seen today. Do you love history? Well, if you do then come and visit Bucharest and discover things that can amaze your mind. One of the biggest buildings in the world today is Parliament Palace.

There are many interesting stories linked to the Parliament Palace. It doesn’t hurt to discover them live. Now there are a lot of folks that come to this palace in order to write their very own historical tale. In order to move around town without restrictions, you can opt for an attentive look on the rent a car offers. It is important to have access to a respectable car, capable of offering comfortable and secure auto experiences. AutoBoca rent a car can help you find quickly great cars and at affordable prices. Now, you have the chance of investing wisely your money. At the end of the day this is what matters. Your travel possibilities are endless nowadays… try to cover the basics by setting a welcoming vibe. You need to welcome with open arms all that you see. Are you convinced? If you are go to Bucharest with confidence.

joi, 12 noiembrie 2015

Travelling alone to the wonderful city of Iasi

I love to travel in Romania

Whenever I have a couple of days off work, I invest it with interest in finding new travel engagements. I love to visit new places and obviously discover various things about Romania and its many, many cities. There are so many wonderful cities in this country, which need to be in a tourist travel wish list. Fortunately I always take the opportunity to go through touristic adventures, packed with thrilling joys, worth sharing with friends and why not family members. I picked as my next travel destination Iasi, the central city of Moldovia. The region is without a doubt a source of touristic pleasure for thousands of tourists. What did I found in Iasi? Well, a lot of interesting things that I’m going to share with you. Iasi is a magnificent city which offers people the chance to learn about history, culture, art and many other things.

The first thing that you need to know about Iasi city is this: discover it without stress or anxiety. It is important to have complete liberty when you’re going to a new place. This is what I always want: to go from one place to another without problems. How can you accomplish this particular feat? Well, targeting this particular question is not that easy since there are so many possible answers. It is important to know how to approach the whole situation. Romania is without a doubt a place of interest for thousands of people. You could rent a car and then take on the whole city. Iasi is without a doubt a place of wonder for anyone that loves architecture and old buildings. When you’re going to this wonderful city take into account that you need to have enough time to go from one place to another.

Where do you want to start?

Well the best place to start your journey in Iasi is Culture Palace. This is the best spot to start your travels in the town. There are cool things to see around this palace. Today around palace Culture you’ll find an amazing shopping city, packed with many stores and cultural events. In the present every tourist comes to this particular spot. I noticed that all the young adults come here and enjoy each other’s company. It is recommended to boast in their expertise to have fun.

There are also other places close to Palace Culture that you can see. While your daily trips may prove to be quite interesting, it is recommended to know where to go next. Stephan the Great Boulevard is the place where you’ll find many other touristic objectives. For example: this is where you’ll find Trei Ierarhi church, Moldavian Metropolitan Church, Roznovanu Palace and many other monuments. You will enjoy every moment spend in this city. You will discover in the city a vibe that speaks to you. Are you interested enough to discover the most important city in North-Eastern part of Romania? Hopefully the answer is YES!  

marți, 10 noiembrie 2015

Mici secrete ale calatoriei in familie in Cluj

In 2015 din ce in ce mai multi oameni calatoresc in familie prin tara

Asa cum statisticile au aratat din ce in ce mai multe familii prefera sa calatoreasca impreuna de fiecare data cand au posibilitatea. Ne-am concentrat atentia asupra posibilitatilor de calatorie din Transilvania. De ce am ales aceasta locatie? De foarte multe ori te intrebi care este cel mai interesant loc de vizitat in familie. Sunt locuri interesante in Romania care merita sa le vizitati alaturi de diversi membrii ai familiei. Transilvania este cu siguranta regiunea care „gazduieste” cele mai frumoase secrete culturale, artistice si istorice. Puteti incepe distractia turistica alaturi de cei dragi din Cluj Napoca. Orasul este inima economica si culturala a regiunii. Aici ceva minunat s-a intamplat in ultimii ani: societatea s-a dezvoltat intr-un mod armonios.

Orice calatorie are potentialul de a deveni o amintire deosebita, demna de tinut minte peste ani si ani. Este important sa stiti cum sa gestionati fiecare moment al calatoriei. In acest mod va asigurati ca o sa va simtiti bine de fiecare data cand porniti la drum. Pentru a putea ajunge la destinatie fara probleme oricand doriti, trebuie sa va asigurati ca aveti la dispozitie un mijloc de transport sigur. De unde puteti inchiria un mijloc de transport confortabil si sigur? Apoi, raspunsul la aceasta intrebare  este AutoBoca rent a car. De ce puteti alege cu incredere aceasta firma? In primul rand se pare ca multi romani si straini au inchiriat masina de la aceasta firma si s-au bucurat de experientele auto avute. In Cluj Napoca AutoBoca are un sediu.  De aici puteti inchiria cu incredere o masina. Preturile sunt foarte bune si o sa va puteti descurca de minune cu eventuale nevoi de transport.

Sa stiti ca orasul Cluj este foarte frumos si are numeroase monumente demne de vizitat. Nu vom incerca sa le scoatem in evidenta in acest articol insa va invitam sa descoperiti la fata locului cele mai interesante locuri. Este important sa aveti cateva repere deoarece in acest mod o sa va miscati mai usor pe stradutele uneori intortocheate ale orasului Cluj.

Fiecare membru al familiei, mic si mare o sa descopere cate ceva de facut in acest superb orasel ardelenesc. O sa va incante si cu certitudine o sa va ofere cateva informatii interesante de tinut minte. Sunteti pregatiti sa explorati centrul cultural si economic al Transilvaniei?

miercuri, 4 noiembrie 2015

Fosnetul unei brize speciale: pierduti prin Sinaia

Tot timpul din lume il avem de partea noastra acum...

Darul unui calator experimentat sta in capacitatea acestuia de a descoperi o anume locatie fara retineri. Este de-a dreptul electrizant sa te uiti in inima turismului romanesc si sa gasesti in centru Sinaia. Multi din turistii care ajung aici se bucura de darul arhitectural numit castelul Peles dar si de intreaga zona a statiunii Sinaia. De ce sa nu porniti intr-o vie drumetie care sa implice acces la „wow”? De ce am notat acest articol cu titlul de „pierduti prin Sinaia”? Am avut o experienta absolut geniala, acompaniata de oameni minunati si o mancare absolut delicioasa. Aceasta micuta statiune montana este geniala. Ea are un suflet special. Majoritatea persoanelor care au ajuns in aceasta statiune s-au bucurat de experiente sublime, „pastorite” intr-un mod genial de muntii din jur.

Turistii din Romania au de cele mai multe ori un dar aparte: sa se miste nestingheriti prin inima tarii. Sinaia reprezinta pentru foarte multe persoane o statiune montana care nu trebuie ratata. Aceasta are o sumedenie de surprize placute pentru mii de turisti. Daca ajungeti aici o sa descoperiti Sinaia intr-un mod sublim si fara cenzura. Cine nu doreste sa se „piarda” pret de cateva minute in Sinaia, o statiune montana care impresioneaza fara probleme pe oricine? Mii de turisti vin aici pentru a se relaxa. Atunci cand sarbatorile „bat” la geam, Sinaia devine destinatia turistica imediata. De ce sa nu profitati si voi de oferta acestei frumoase statiuni montane? In prezent oricine are posibilitatea de a porni la drum cu o masina sigura... Cum puteti face acest lucru? Puteti apela la un serviciu rent a car si implicit sa alegeti o masina de calitate, potrivita pentru drumuri prin Sinaia.

Ce trebuie sa stiti despre orasul Sinaia si ofertele lor turistice?

Oraselul de munte Sinaia este situat in judetul Prahova, dezvoltat cu mare atentie de regele Carol I. El a construit aici castelul Peles care a jucat rolul resedintei de vara a casei regale. Orasul nu este departe de Bucuresti. Intr-o ora si cateva minute o sa ajungeti in statiunea Sinaia. V-ati urcat in masina si atata tot. Sa nu uitati de GPS...acesta o sa va ajute sa ajungeti la destinatie mai rapid si fara probleme. Este important sa descoperiti Sinaia fara probleme si evident sa va bucurati de fiecare moment petrecut in statiune. Stim ca este important sa descoperiti orasul Sinaia fara stres. Sunt prea multe obiective turistice in acest oras pentru a nu veni aici macar cateva zile...

marți, 3 noiembrie 2015

Spend your days chasing beauty within Romania’s spirit

In a world of strange commodities we find solace in beautiful tourism

There are many people in the world today that love to travel and implicitly discover amazing things. Sharing beauty is important to those that like to travel to new places. This is how tourists share their experiences with the world. Due to the generous hands of the Internet anyone can become a beacon of hope for certain touristic areas. If the right writer comes to a place and describes it in a creative manner, then other people might feel compelled to visit it. Every single day we come across travel invitations from all kinds of writers. Tourism these days is a real gift, which anyone can take without restrictions. Romania is a country that delights visitors with many gifts. There are many secrets that lie beyond the curtains of nature and history.

It is important to keep track of all the objectives you can visit in a region. We took our time drafting this article, which includes references to certain places that anyone can visit without restrictions. Places that offer visitors real touristic experiences are everywhere in Romania, a country with real gifts. There are must-visit places which you should not miss. Romania’s touristic offers are pretty vast and include directions to many places. Take your time and gather information on all the objectives you want to see. People that visited at least once this country noted in many occasions the presence of uniqueness and beauty. What are the most beautiful places that you should not miss while in Romania?

The key to amazing touristic experiences is mostly found in access to information…

Thousands of people around the world come to Romania in an attempt to see beautiful and fascinating things. Now, we can offer you a couple of tips on the many touristic possibilities of the day. Out of the many places that you can see, some of them might provide pretty breathtaking experiences. We recommend you to visit Brasov, Sibiu, Iasi, Predeal, Sinaia and Cluj. These cities represent for most tourists places of joy and serenity. Each and every one of them come with various monuments. I always recommend people to have access to good cars in order to travel without restrictions. In the present there are many people that desire to expand their touristic endeavours at the helm of a reliable car.

Rent a car in Romania and take on various tasks without problems. Stress is no longer an issue if you find a good vehicle.